CoinGeek Week, one of the most important cryptocurrency conferences of the fall, is taking place November 28-30, with a special, invitation-only Miners Day event on November 27. On hand are a number of experts in the crypto community, all of whom are sharing their knowledge and vision for the future of cryptocurrencies. As attendees begin to show up in London for the conference, the BCH Boys are on hand to provide coverage of the event. The BCH proponents sat down with Ryan X. Charles ahead of the conference to get his insight on a number of issues, including mining and scaling, among others.
Charles also points out how on-chain scaling is possible and how Bitcoin SV has already been able to produce results that show how easy it easy. The interview is available on YouTube and is an excellent glimpse into what is going on with BCH and Bitcoin SV.
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The BCH Boys have added another video to their repertoire, this one with an interview with Dr. Craig Wright ahead of the much-anticipated CoinGeek Week conference in London. The three sat down to talk about the “permissionless” state of Bitcoin and the scalability issue that has been so prominent in the Bitcoin BCH ecosystem lately, among other important topics that are shaping the future of global cryptocurrency adoption.
Check out the entire interview with Dr. Wright below. Also, take a look at the BCH Boys’ YouTube page, where the BCH proponents offer a myriad of interviews, discussions and instructional material to help everyone better understand why BCH is such an important and integral part of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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On Day 1 of CoinGeek Week, the BCH Boys sat down with the Tokenized team, who have made tokenization on the Bitcoin chain a reality. Discussed are the possibilities for practical application of blockchain technology, and of Bitcoin specifically, as envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto. It isn’t enough to talk of smart contracts and tokens; more important is focusing in how these tools could provide utility, in terms of cost, without depending on any specific economic player.
The Tokenized team provides their perspective on what makes Bitcoin SV “pure Bitcoin,” and how stability of protocol is necessary for the technology to be of benefit to communities. Watch their interview with the BCH Boys below.
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The BCH Boys, the pair of crypto podcasters that keep the world informed on what’s going on with Bitcoin BCH, are giving up on YouTube. However, their followers don’t have to be concerned about losing out on their favorite content. The duo is moving from YouTube to Keyport, a new video platform that uses the blockchain and allows for microtransactions through the popular Cashport interface.
The BCH Boys made their announcement via several social media channels, including Reddit and Twitter. On Reddit, they explained, “Keyport TV is the solution the internet has been waiting for. It allows users to pay for content with microtransactions and to connect their usage to their Bitcoin wallets with its integration with Cashport. Because we believe so strongly in its vision, and because the issue of content distribution is something we are passionate about, we will be moving our content to Keyport exclusively.”
The BCH Boys will be offering the same great content that the community has grown to love. They will also be including how-to videos to give other podcasters and video producers the knowledge on how to create their own content for the Keyport platform and how to generate revenue from their streams.
Our statement regarding the launch of @keyportTV. We believe that this is the future of content distribution and monetization. We encourage all content creators to take our lead and being exclusively using The New Money to monetize their content.
— $The_BCH_Boys (@The_BCH_Boys) October 29, 2018
As the podcasters explained in their post, “Fractioned subscription services force users to pay flat monthly fees for content distributed across multiple platforms. The cost of these services is independent of actual consumption of content, resulting in some users subsidizing the heavy consumers. Wouldn’t it be great to just pay for what you use? Wouldn’t it be great if independent creators have the same ability to monetize and distribute content as Disney? Why are we forced to sell our data to advertisers just to watch content?”
Keyport makes this possible. Users connect their Handcash wallet to the platform during the registration process and then pay small amounts to view content. Currently, Handcash is the only wallet supported, but it’s possible that other wallets could be included in the future.
Keyport takes the popularity of YouTube and moves it into the future on a platform that will undoubtedly become the new standard for video content distribution. It’s a novel approach that will increase the amount of quality video offerings and, given that it’s built on the Bitcoin BCH blockchain, will further increase the cryptocurrency’s global reach.
Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.
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The BCH Boys have released a video interview they conducted with the lead developers behind Bitcoin SV, a full-node implementation of the Bitcoin BCH network. It provides unique insight on the importance of the implementation and is a great source of data for everyone ahead of the November upgrade to the Bitcoin BCH blockchain. The entire interview is available on Keyport and provides an in-depth view of why Bitcoin SV was created and where it’s going.
Participating in the interview were nChain developers Steve Shadders and Daniel Connolly. Shadders is the company’s Director of Solutions and Engineering, as well as Bitcoin SV technical director, and Connolly is Bitcoin SV’s lead developer. The two are the major influences into the design of the project and have worked diligently to ensure that Bitcoin SV is ready for mass distribution.
Q&A with the @BitcoinSVNode team. We sat down with @connolly_dan and @shadders333 to ask questions taken from the community. This video will be available on @keyportTV exclusively for the next 24 hours before publishing to our YT channel. Give it a try!
— $The_BCH_Boys (@The_BCH_Boys) October 30, 2018
Questions were offered by users on the Reddit social media platform and fielded by both professionals. They discussed a variety of details related to the testing and eventual rollout of Bitcoin SV and how they ensured that enough testing had been conducted to feel comfortable that it would be capable of performing all of the functions that the team had anticipated.
There has been a lot of discussion about the future of Bitcoin BCH as an ecosystem, as well as how it should be developed behind the scenes. Bitcoin SV is designed to help right the ship and to force developers to stop using the blockchain as a testing ground. Both Shadders and Connolly indicate that one of the major issues solved by the platform is the reduction of discussion on consensus issues, with a focus on allowing the network to evolve as a foundation for a true peer-to-peer cryptocurrency.
When asked about whether or not the November upgrade will result in a split, the answer, as previously been emphasized by CoinGeek and others, the split is virtually a non-issue. The changes being introduced will not make a difference—they’re a necessary component to create a consensus and will not lead to a split in the blockchain.
There is much more valuable data included in the interview—more than could be summarized here. Anyone who wants to better understand Bitcoin SV and how it is going to shape the future of Bitcoin BCH needs to watch the video and gain the knowledge necessary to make an educated conclusion on how Bitcoin BCH is going to progress.
Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.
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The BCH Boys, Bitcoin BCH enthusiasts who are on a mission to introduce the cryptocurrency to the world, sat down with nChain’s Jimmy Nguyen for an interview on Wednesday. They talked about projects being worked on at nChain, as well as what is in store for the future. A significant amount of time was utilized to cover the upcoming network upgrade in November and the role Bitcoin SV plays in Bitcoin BCH’s future. The interview is available on YouTube and is an invaluable tool for understanding what’s really going on with the Bitcoin BCH blockchain.
Nguyen leads in by providing some background behind why Bitcoin BCH was necessary. Many in the early cryptocurrency community recognized that Bitcoin Core (BTC) developers were not adhering to the digital currency guidelines that were presented by Satoshi Nakamoto, opting instead to develop their own crypto playground. These individuals pulled together to ensure that the true digital currency envisioned by Satoshi could live on and it does—only through Bitcoin BCH.
He points out that developers have a tendency to want to change things up every few months and are making network alterations that are neither requested by the community nor warranted. These developers are trying to take control of the blockchain when, in reality, the entire community rightfully needs to be in control—hence, a decentralized network. As Nguyen poignantly stated, “[The blockchain] is not a place for experimentation.”
Miners have the most at stake with a blockchain. They’re the one that drive the network’s success. Without miners, there is no blockchain. In order to ensure that mining will be able to continue as the network continues to become more popular and halves every few years—a process that is built into the system—it is important to offer them an incentive that allows for mining to remain economically viable.
This is where Bitcoin SV comes in. Bitcoin SV is a full node implementation of the Bitcoin BCH protocol and is being developed in order to give miners a choice. It will provide stability, scalability and security—key factors in a blockchain’s long-term success.
The other benefit to Bitcoin SV, and probably the more important benefit, is what it will mean to big business. Businesses won’t accept any platform— blockchain or otherwise—that is constantly being tweaked and manipulated based on the whimsical desires of developers. Business owners want to know that they can rely on the platform to carry them five or ten years into the future. This won’t be possible with the current makeup of any blockchain.
Says Nguyen, “Scalability is the pillar of Bitcoin SV.” He explains that nChain, along with industry experts, conducted numerous tests to determine what is necessary now in order to be prepared for the future. All of the models— pricing, transaction composition and different economic factors—show that the minimum block size needed in two years will be at least 200MB, if not more. In order to reach that level, scalability has to begin today.
In order to ensure that Bitcoin SV is viable as a secure and stable system—requirements for both miners and businesses—nChain has brought in teams of independent auditors to review and test the code, it is offering bug bounty programs and participating in a gigabit testnet. All of these activities will help ensure the strength and integrity of the Bitcoin BCH blockchain.
Wrapping up, Nguyen touched upon the upcoming CoinGeek Week Conference on Nov. 28-30. He mentioned that there would be some exciting announcements made during the event from nChain and other Bitcoin BCH companies that are sure to make enthusiasts happy. Tickets to the three-day conference are still available via Eventbrite.
Bitcoin BCH has the ability to change the world. There are many in the ecosystem that are working hard to bring about positive change, but it can only happen if everyone understands what cryptocurrency is to be used for—a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency.
Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.
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