

这是最近在泰国召开的2018比特币未来曼谷峰会上,nChain的首席执行官吉米·阮(Jimmy Nguyen)提出的问题之一。在为期两天的峰会中,吉米·阮和首席科学家克雷格·怀特博士(Dr. Craig Wright)向参会的矿工和开发者发表讲话 ,提醒大家比特币现金(BCH)的目的是“恢复来自BTC的比特币原貌”,并且他们认为自己汇集在一起的目的是想要创建“我们认为将满足中本聪愿景的比特币协议”。由Yours.org用户cryptomic记录的吉米·阮和克雷格·怀特博士的讲话全文可以在此处查阅。

“我们认为现在是比特币作为一个完整世界和生态系统组织起来并实现专业化的时候了,而这正是我们所倡导的。” 吉米·阮说道,“我们这么说是什么意思呢? 我们指的是一个稳定的协议。”

最有希望的比特币现金节点实现之一是比特币SV,这个项目最初的目的是为矿工提供支持,让他们可以对关键协议升级做出明智的决策。与广泛持有的观点相反,比特币SV不是一个分叉——它将锁定“经过实战检验”的现有比特币现金协议。进而,矿工们将有选择权和发言权来推动将比特币恢复到最佳状态的进程。即无界区块(unbounded block)和原始OP_Codes的状态。








Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.

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The Bitcoin SV vision is to give miners a choice

In one of Satoshi Nakamoto’s early writings, it was noted that “the nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime.” But does that mean that not a single change can ever happen?

That was the one of the questions posed by nChain CEO Jimmy Nguyen at the recently held The Future of Bitcoin Summit Bangkok 2018 in Thailand. During the two-day summit, Nguyen, along with Chief Scientist Dr. Craig Wright, addressed an audience of miners and developers to remind everyone that the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was birthed “to restore what Bitcoin was from BTC,” and that they pooled together because they want to create “a Bitcoin protocol that we believe will fulfil Satoshi’s vision.” The full transcription of Jimmy Nguyen and Dr. Craig Wright’s speech by Yours.org user cryptomic can be read here.

“We believe it’s time for Bitcoin as an entire world and ecosystem to group up and professionalize, and that’s what we’re advocating,” Nguyen said. “And what do we mean by that? What we mean by that is a protocol that is stable.”

One of the most promising Bitcoin BCH node implementation is Bitcoin SV, a project born out of the desire to empower miners so they’ll make informed decisions about critical protocol upgrades. Contrary to widely held belief, Bitcoin SV is not a fork—it will lock the “battle-tested” Bitcoin BCH protocol in place. In turn, miners will have a choice and a voice to drive the process of restoring Bitcoin to its optimal state. That of unbounded blocks and original OP_Codes.

This November, mining nodes running Bitcoin SV will enable a short list of upgrades on the BCH network, the most important of which is increasing the default maximum block size from 32MB to 128MB.

But why is it important to scale now, and scale fast in terms of block size? After some modelling with business analysts, Nguyen said the reason is simple: There’s a direct economic need for miners.

“In two years the block reward will be split in half again to 6.25 BCH. So anyone who’s mining now will in two years receive half of what they’re receiving today. In order to maintain even current profitability, what that means is in two years they have to make up that 6.25 coins worth of value in something else, which has to come in transaction fees and which has to come in higher transaction volume,” Nguyen explained.

He added, “If we have to get anywhere near 4, 16 gigabytes in two years, we can’t wait a year from now. We have to start that process now. That’s critical because otherwise in two years mining is going to become less profitable and that threatens the whole viability and security of the network if the miners cannot make up the actual revenue they need to make up in transaction volume and fees.”

Nguyen said the advocacy to scale quickly and safely was not born out of a desire for bigger blocks.

“There is an imperative economically built into the system to do this and do it now. We want to lock the original Bitcoin protocol so that businesses can reliably build on it. Professionalize the whole process with quality assurance and security audits. Promote zero-conf security,” he said. “We want to create a pathway to rapid adoption globally, and not just for payments but by the big enterprises which will lead to the miner revenue which is critical. Unless they are being profitable and making money, miners will not continue doing this after two years, and the approach we’re advocating will also lead to premium services for them, such as data, such as this property registry type venture for which they’ll get paid more money given the data capacity needed.”

Read the full transcription of Jimmy Nguyen and Dr. Craig Wright’s speech here. Audio recordings of the two-day proceedings in Thailand are available here.

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.

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