Steve Shadders, director of solutions and engineering at nChain, wants to make one thing clear: there will be no more split down the road for Bitcoin SV.
On the sidelines of the CoinGeek Week Conference in London, Shadders explained why the chances of a potential split down the road for Bitcoin SV “are pretty unlikely,” saying: “The reason for that is because everyone who has come along and followed the Bitcoin SV roadmap understands that part of that roadmap is locking down the protocol. And that is all we really actually had to fight about and the only reason why there was ever going to be a split.”
Sure, there will be disagreements, but people will deal with these “by building whatever it is that they want to build and compete”—and none of these will affect the base protocol, he stressed.
For nChain, the roadmap for the next couple of months will be “much bigger blocks,” with the Teranode project taking the original Satoshi Vision to the next level. Teranode is not a monolithic “one size fit all” implementation. Instead, the project separates four core functions into a modular microservices architecture approach—making a separate Business (RPC) Layer, Network (P2P) Layer, Process Layer and Storage Layer. It will also seek to solve a technical issue that arises with a massively scaled Bitcoin network with terabyte-size blocks: how to optimize the unspent transaction output (UTXO) database maintained by nodes to prevent double-spending of Bitcoins.
Shadders, however, pointed out that collusion double-spending is highly unlikely “because it’s not in the miners’ interest to undermine the value proposition of the very coin that they get paid in.” For other types of broadcast double-spends, Shadders said there simple mitigations—just make sure that the merchant knows about it.
“Right now merchants aren’t really doing that. They’re not going out and querying the miners and we don’t have an easy mechanism for them to do that but that’s one thing that we’re planning on, not just planning we’re in progress, building right now so a merchant will be able to query multiple miners and check on the status of their transaction. They will be able to check with the miners and find out what minimum fee is required to guarantee you’re going to mine this transaction,” he explained.
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Get ready, ladies and gentlemen, because a major announcement is about to be made at Day 3 of the CoinGeek Week Conference at The Mermaid Theatre in London.
The last day of the CoinGeek Week Conference is dedicated to the future—where blockchains and Bitcoin are headed. This is an excellent way to pool together all of the information presented throughout the conference and attendees will walk away knowing that they have an important role in shaping cryptocurrency’s future.
Today, Dr. Craig Wright—the ever controversial Bitcoin visionary will outline how he sees the entire Internet changing. Internet 2.0, if you will. The conference is focused on the rebirth of Bitcoin in the form of Bitcoin SV, the original Bitcoin offering scalability that adheres to Satoshi’s Vision.
Dr. Wright will explain how the Internet should, in fact, evolve to become a side chain on Bitcoin.
Expect also other keynotes from the true pioneers of blockchain—from nChain’s Jimmy Nguyen and Dr. Craig Wright, to SBI Holdings’ Jerry Chan, Squire Mining’s Taras Kulyk, Bitstocks’ Michael Hudson, MoneyWeek’s Dominic Frisby, as well as Circle’s Jack C. Liu, among others.
Watch the CoinGeek Week Day 3 livestream here.
CoinGeek Conference London from CoinGeek on Vimeo.
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“It’s time for Bitcoin to grow up”, said Jimmy Nyguyen in his opening remarks at the CoinGeek Week conference. That set the tone for the next three days and 30 or so presentations.
The hash war between Bitcoin ABC and SV had played out. It was fierce - and had changed the world for the combatants in just a couple of short weeks. But Jimmy, and Calvin Ayre, who introduced the conference, were confident that their team - including CoinGeek, nChain and SVPool - are now in a great place from which to build for the future around Bitcoin SV.
Since the conference was held just ahead of the tenth anniversary of the first transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain, the sense of growing up and moving on to the next chapter had an extra resonance. As to what the way forward would look like, Craig Wright came on stage later that morning and captured it in his first words: “OK, it’s really, really simple: we need transaction volume.”
During the rest of the conference at London’s Mermaid Theatre, the path to more transactions, of more kinds, was explained through a kaleidoscope of big visions and inspiring implementations that are already up and running.
One theme that jumped out was the sense that crypto is starting to work with the grain of the world as it exists - rather than trying to build a parallel universe. Just three examples: Elizabeth White announced a debit card that uses crypto and has Mastercard as a partner. Stephan Nilsson is building a supply chain ID system that works on the blockchain alongside SAP - a global data management giant.
And CentBee’s Angus Brown talked about how his wallet was part of a recent initiative with the (very real) bar chain Brewdog. Again, it was a question of working with the world as it is: “bank cards are not going away tomorrow,” said Angus. So CentBee “needs to feel like a payment card, but better.” The experience with giving people wallets to buy beer a few minutes later produced an “I get it” reaction: “it’s not Lambos, it’s just beer”.
That kind of ordinariness and familiarity is one of the aims of Ryan X. Charles’ Moneybutton. It’s designed to integrate with any online site, with an endless array of possible functions - starting with money. As Ryan put it, we’re “making payments as easy as the Facebook Like button”. Crucially, Moneybutton is “just an interface for you to use the power of the blockchain”. The end user sees money in the currency they’re familiar with - pounds, dollars or whatever. So if you want to leave a tip, you don’t need to know what it is in Bitcoin: that side of the transaction is all behind the scenes.
Talking of working with the real world, what could be more real that using the power of crypto mining to grow vegetables? Or drying, er, human waste to turn it into fuel. That’s what’s happening just outside Montreal, courtesy of BlockchainDomes. The idea is that the heat generated during the mining process shouldn’t be wasted. Is this the start of a green crypto movement?
Summing up at the end of day two, Jimmy Nyguyen reminded his audience that technical solutions are just part of the work in crypto. Alongside that, “a business-minded, real world approach is important”.
Embracing reality - that’s what crypto is doing today. Now please fasten your seatbelts for day three of the conference, whose theme is The Future.
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The CoinGeek Week conference is in full swing in London and all of those who are in attendance are experiencing an exciting chance to see what is going on with Bitcoin SV and the entire crypto ecosystem. There is a lot of activity on the agenda and a lot to discuss, but CoinGeek founder Calvin Ayre took a few minutes out of his schedule to sit down with Bitstocks, the UK’s first crypto market advisory firm, to discuss what is happening with Bitcoin SV and where things are headed.
In the podcast, which is available on YouTube, Ayre talks about how he began to dabble in cryptocurrencies in 2010, but didn’t get really involved until 2015 when he met Dr. Craig Wright. They shared a lot of the same opinions regarding what cryptocurrency is and what it can be, leading Ayre to jump in completely to help build the space.
As is the case with many, when it was obvious that Bitcoin Core (BTC) was veering off the original path of what cryptocurrency was meant to be, Ayre played a role in ensuring that the path was kept alive through Bitcoin Cash (BCH), the only cryptocurrency that maintained the original Satoshi Vision. He adds that cryptocurrency was already mature when it was created and didn’t need to be constantly tweaked, a premise that was designed to be followed with BCH.
Just as BCH was initially intended to keep cryptocurrency moving forward as a true peer-to-peer currency, once it became obvious that certain developers were once again intent on changing the business model, Bitcoin SV came about to ensure that the original cryptocurrency model would continue.
Ayre also points out the recent stress test of Bitcoin SV, which proved what many have been asserting all along – on-chain scaling not only works, but it works well. The stress test saw 1,500 transactions per second, which is higher than what has been seen with Segwit, Ethereum and Ripple combined.
Within a year, 8,000 transactions are anticipated by allowing blocks that are two gigabytes in size. As Ayre points out, Bitcoin SV is the “only trustless, decentralized public blockchain,” and this is what is going to help drive adoption. It’s obvious that the consumer market needs to be educated on the merits of cryptocurrency in general, but this is coming and this education will allow everyone to see why Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin.
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Announcement at CoinGeek Week Conference, Friday, 30th November
The ever controversial Bitcoin visionary, Craig Wright, is set to use is presentation at CoinGeek Week to outline how he sees the entire Internet changing. Internet 2.0, if you will. The conference is focused on the rebirth of Bitcoin in the form of Bitcoin SV, the original bitcoin offering scalability that adheres to Satoshi’s Vision.
Dr. Wright will explain how the Internet should, in fact, evolve to become a side chain on Bitcoin. #LBYT: Listen Before Troll!
Friday, the third and final day of CoinGeek Week will examine the future of Bitcoin with speakers including writer and comedian Dominic Frisby, Jerry Chan (SBI Holdings) and Michael Hudson from Bitstocks. Michael will also be using the platform to announce a major new development, Introducing Gravity: The Bitstocks Ecosystem - Big Reveal.
The conference is at The Mermaid in Puddle Dock, London in the heart of the old-fashioned financial district and some tickets are still available.
Come and see Dr Wright’s ambition of what the Internet as a whole can become and the one thing you know for sure? It won’t be boring!
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CoinGeek Week, one of the most important cryptocurrency conferences of the fall, is taking place November 28-30, with a special, invitation-only Miners Day event on November 27. On hand are a number of experts in the crypto community, all of whom are sharing their knowledge and vision for the future of cryptocurrencies. As attendees begin to show up in London for the conference, the BCH Boys are on hand to provide coverage of the event. The BCH proponents sat down with Ryan X. Charles ahead of the conference to get his insight on a number of issues, including mining and scaling, among others.
Charles also points out how on-chain scaling is possible and how Bitcoin SV has already been able to produce results that show how easy it easy. The interview is available on YouTube and is an excellent glimpse into what is going on with BCH and Bitcoin SV.
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The BCH Boys have added another video to their repertoire, this one with an interview with Dr. Craig Wright ahead of the much-anticipated CoinGeek Week conference in London. The three sat down to talk about the “permissionless” state of Bitcoin and the scalability issue that has been so prominent in the Bitcoin BCH ecosystem lately, among other important topics that are shaping the future of global cryptocurrency adoption.
Check out the entire interview with Dr. Wright below. Also, take a look at the BCH Boys’ YouTube page, where the BCH proponents offer a myriad of interviews, discussions and instructional material to help everyone better understand why BCH is such an important and integral part of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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On Day 1 of CoinGeek Week, the BCH Boys sat down with the Tokenized team, who have made tokenization on the Bitcoin chain a reality. Discussed are the possibilities for practical application of blockchain technology, and of Bitcoin specifically, as envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto. It isn’t enough to talk of smart contracts and tokens; more important is focusing in how these tools could provide utility, in terms of cost, without depending on any specific economic player.
The Tokenized team provides their perspective on what makes Bitcoin SV “pure Bitcoin,” and how stability of protocol is necessary for the technology to be of benefit to communities. Watch their interview with the BCH Boys below.
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If you haven’t already purchased your tickets to the hottest cryptocurrency conference of the fall, time is almost up. The CoinGeek Week conference is happening this week in London, featuring an all-star cast of crypto and blockchain experts to guide the community into 2019 and beyond.
The conference is one of the most important events for everyone in the crypto space. However, Miner’s Day will undoubtedly be the highlight. The special, invitation-only event was added to the conference in order to give crypto miners the perfect opportunity to learn about the changes seen recently in Bitcoin BCH and to understand what is going on with Bitcoin SV and the future of mining operations.
Miner’s Day will be held tomorrow, November 27. Following it will be three more exciting days of events, information sharing, seminars and workshops that will deliver an experience unlike any other crypto conference. CoinGeek Week is being held at The Mermaid at Puddle Dock in London, an amazing venue that will provide an incredible backdrop for this one-of-a-kind event.
November 28 of the conference is geared specifically for application developers. It will give attendees the opportunity to learn everything they need to know about what is going on with the latest in blockchain technology. November 29 is for application merchants and will provide significant insight on how to get the edge on the competition. Following each day’s activities, there will be a casual meet-and-greet event where attendees can network and forge new business alliances.
The last day of the conference is dedicated to the future—where blockchains and Bitcoin BCH are headed. This is an excellent way to pool together all of the information presented throughout the conference and attendees will walk away knowing that they have an important role in shaping cryptocurrency’s future. Following the activity, those who have attended all four days are invited to a special after party hosted by CoinGeek founder Calvin Ayre, bringing to a close this incredible conference.
Tickets are on sale now, but there are only a few tickets remaining. You can purchase yours today using either Bitcoin BCH on the CoinGeek website or, if you prefer, with a credit card through Eventbrite. Don’t be stuck on the sidelines watching history being made—get in the game and help make it happen.
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