
上周六,Mempool宣布其矿池同时在比特币现金网络以及比特币上对矿工“即时开放”。 对于BCH来说, Mempool将在即将到来的11月15日协议更新后运行Bitcoin SV全节点实现。这一实现方式旨在支持最初的比特币中本聪愿景(Satoshi Vision,简称“SV”)。

该矿池在其公告中写道:“Mempool坚信最初比特币白皮书中描述的中本聪愿景。 “Mempool将参与和专业挖矿组织之间的竞争,与其财库存款人分享池内收益。”

Mempool忠于“矿工选择、矿工为先”的中本聪愿景,让其比特币现金矿工选择以比特币现金(SV)或比特币的形式收取酬金。 该矿池表示,“由于市场中不同加密货币的流动性不同或与其金融基础设施的整合度不同,有些矿工对于使用哪种加密货币有自己的偏好。” 对于即将到来且争议不断的比特币现金硬分叉来说,许多矿工希望支持Bitcoin SV实现,但是担心收到的比特币现金无法立刻变现。 Mempool允许其比特币现金矿池中的矿工选择以比特币的形式收款,而比特币未来在比特币现金哈希算力大战后依旧具有流动性,这样就解决了矿工的担忧,或者也可以选择直接收取比特币现金(SV)代币。

矿工可以使用该矿池简单易用的网站设置页面,选择自己所挖掘的加密货币以及希望以哪种加密货币收款,此外还可以选择奖励模式,即PPLNS“Pay-per-last-N-shares” (根据过去的N个股份來支付收益)或PPS“Pay-per-share ” (每股付费+)。

Mempool矿池的另外一个独一无二的特点是财务存款,可以让矿工兑换自己收到的比特币现金,甚至可以将比特币转换为比特币现金(SV)。 据Mempool表示,未来这将“有助于让矿工收到的回报保持稳定并且分享矿池的收益。”

如果矿工在挖掘一种区块链,但是希望收到另一种加密货币(例如,挖掘的是比特币现金(SV),但是希望收到比特币),那么Mempool财务部门将负责进行支付。 财务部门为每种加密货币单独设立账户,当挖出一个区块时,区块奖励会分发到相应的账户,然后通过相应的账户付款给矿工。

为了计算某个矿工可以收到的数字货币的数量,Mempool根据Poloniex和BitAsiaEx的数据来建立了一个不断浮动的24小时平均价位。 Mempool表示,账户余额只能在收到100次区块确认后才能提取,从而确保矿池不会受到区块链重组的影响。

该矿池还指出:“我们鼓励您持有您认为未来会升值的加密货币。 决定权在您手中。 如果比特币现金成为了世界货币,随着时间的推移如果使用比特币现金的人逐渐增多,对比特币现金的需求也会不断上升。”

Mempool目前正在限时特惠零矿池手续费(只针对单独区块链的独立挖矿)以及零兑换费。 11月15日,整个矿池将主要开采比特币现金(SV)区块链,但是矿工仍然可以通过财务部门将回报兑换为比特币。 未来,矿池手续费和加密货币兑换费将由矿工自身承担并根据其份额分配到相应的财务账户中。然而目前,可以将其作为一种将比特币转换为比特币现金(SV)的简易方法。

此外,Mempool还取消了独自开采一条区块链所收取的费用,并对此解释道:“自发行起,我们应该就能够进行独自开采比特币现金,但是为了独自开采比特币现金并且保持盈利,我们需要增加至少2个哈希算力。 因此,在我们发展壮大之前,我们将使用合作方的矿池,将我们的哈希算力指向该矿池并与其合并。 该合作伙伴的矿池手续费从5%起,带入的算力越多,价格将越便宜。

Mempool使用可一种创新方法来展示矿工抉择的力量,承诺为了实现中本聪愿景,将召集矿工来支持Bitcoin SV 的路线图。

To learn more about the mining pool’s unique features, contact Mempool.

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.

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New BCH mining pool Mempool stays true to ‘miners choice’ philosophy and supports Bitcoin SV

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) mining pool Mempool is in business.

On Saturday,  Mempool announced the “immediate availability” of its mining pool for miners not just on the Bitcoin BCH network, but also on BTC. For BCH. Mempool will run the Bitcoin SV full node implementation, which is designed to support the original Satoshi Vision (SV) of Bitcoin, in the upcoming November 15 protocol upgrade.

“Mempool believes in the Satoshi Vision that is described in the original Bitcoin whitepaper,” the mining pool said in its announcement. “Mempool will participate in competition between professional miners and share pool fees with its treasury depositors.”

True to the Satoshi Vision’s philosophy of “miners choice, miners first,” Mempool gives its BCH pool miners the choice to get paid either in Bitcoin BCH (SV) or in BTC. According to the mining pool, “Some miners have different preferences on coins based on the coin’s liquidity in the market, or their integration with their financial infrastructure.” During the upcoming contentious hard fork of BCH, many miners wish to support the Bitcoin SV implementation, but may be concerned about earning BCH coins that may not be immediately liquid. Mempool solves that concern by allowing its BCH pool miners to choose to receive payouts in BTC which will remain liquid during the BCH hash war, or alternatively choose to receive BCH (SV) tokens.

Using the settings page in the pool’s easy-to-navigate website, miners can choose which coin they mine, which coin they want to receive for payment, and what payout model they want—either Pay-per-last-N-shares (PPLNS) or Pay-per-share (PPS).

Another unique feature of the Mempool mining pool is the treasury deposit, which allows miners to convert their payouts into BTC, or even swap their BTC to Bitcoin BCH (SV). This, according to Mempool, will “help stabilize the payouts to the miners and share the fees that the pool collects” in the future.

If the miners want to get paid in a coin different than the chain they mined (for example, getting paid BTC even though they mine BCH (SV)), the payout will come from the Mempool treasury. The treasury uses a separate account for each coin, and when a block is mined, the block rewards are distributed to the treasury accounts used to pay the miners.

To calculate the number of coins a miner will receive Mempool uses Poloniex and BitAsiaEx to create a moving price average on a 24-hour period. The account balances can only be withdrawn after 100 block confirmations to ensure that the pool will not be affected by chain reorgs, according to Mempool.

“We encourage you to hold the coin you believe will be more valuable in the future. The decision is in your hands. If BCH becomes cash for the world, it could have more and more people using it over time and become more in demand than BTC,” the mining pool noted.

Mempool is offering a 0% mining fee (for solo mining a chain) and 0% conversion fee for a limited time. On November 15, the whole pool will focus on mining the BCH (SV) chain, although miners can still receive their payouts converted into BTC by the treasury. In the future, the mining pool fee and coin conversion fee will be coming from the miners themselves and shared among the relevant treasury accounts according to their share. For the moment, however, think of it as a way to easily convert BTC into BCH (SV) coins.

Mempool also hashed out the fees for solo mining a chain, explaining, “We will be able to solo mine BCH from the launch, but to solo mine BTC profitably, we need to have at least 2 exahash. So before we grow large enough, we will use a partner pool to point our hash to and combine with theirs. The partner pool fee starts at 5% and goes down the more hash you bring.”

Mempool uses a creative approach to demonstrate the power of miner’s choice, and its own commitment to gathering miners to support Bitcoin SV’s roadmap for the Satoshi Vision.

To learn more about the mining pool’s unique features, contact Mempool.

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.

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Mempool mining pool launches offering treasury and miner’s choice payouts

November 10, 2018 — Mempool announces the immediate availability of its mining pool for miners on the BCH and BTC networks. They have an easy-to-use website interface.

Mempool also offers a couple of unique features in the mining industry:

Miners can choose to get paid in any coin that the pool supports. If you want to earn BTC while mining on BCH(SV), that is now possible!

Treasury depositors help stabilize the payouts to the miners. In the future, Treasury depositors will be able to share the fees that the pool collects. For now, depositors can use the Treasury to gradually convert BTC into BCH(SV).

To learn about the full features of the pool, visit How Mempool Works for Miners.

Mempool supports the BCH(SV) chain in the upcoming hard fork on 15 November, 2018. Their node will run the Bitcoin SV implementation of the Bitcoin Cash protocol.

About Mempool
Mempool is a Bitcoin Cash mining pool mining on both BCH and BTC networks. Mempool believe in the Satoshi’s Vision that is described in the original bitcoin whitepaper. Mempool will participate competition between professional miners and give back fees to its treasury holders.

If you would like more information on this topic, please email [email protected].

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