Bitcoin SV mines 64 MB Block on Bitcoin Cash, largest ever on a public blockchain

20 November 2018 - Bitcoin SV, the new full node implementation for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) mined a 64MB block, the world’s largest ever on a public blockchain. The huge block was mined by CoinGeek Mining, during an on-going Professional Stress Test of the BCH network. Just one hour before, a 38MB block was mined, also using the Bitcoin SV implementation, by SVPool, a personal initiative of nChain’s Chief Scientist Dr. Craig Wright. That 38MB block held the record for largest block mined on a public blockchain until the 64 MB block dwarfed it.

The BCH Professional Stress Test is designed to test the BCH blockchain’s throughput capacity. The 64 MB block came at block height 557335 and the 38 MB block came at block height 557333 on the BCH network. Powered by and organized independently of any BCH full node implementation team, the testing group also ran November 10 pre-test, in which Bitcoin SV mined five 32 MB blocks, which were then the largest ever blocks mined on a public blockchain. Bitcoin SV thus continues to demonstrate its record-setting capabilities, with larger blocks now mined of 64 and 38 MB.

Bitcoin SV is currently in the midst of a “hash war” with Bitcoin ABC to be the leading BCH implementation, with miner votes that began with the November 15 BCH network upgrade. Although Bitcoin ABC has taken an early lead, its support relies heavily upon “rented” hash borrowed by its backers ( and Bitmain Technologies) from miners on the rival Bitcoin Core (BTC) network ; in contrast, the hash backing Bitcoin SV is sustained Proof of Work from miners committed to support the BCH network on an on-going basis and which should count as legitimate votes for the “Nakamoto consensus” that determines protocol rules according to the original Bitcoin white paper.

The Professional Stress Test results confirmed that Bitcoin SV is correct about its scaling roadmap: the BCH blockchain can handle much larger blocks and quickly scale for big enterprise use. Named for the “Satoshi Vision” of Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin SV intends to restore the original Bitcoin protocol, keep it stable, and allow it to massively scale to a global network used by billions of people. For the recent November 15 protocol upgrade, Bitcoin SV lifted its default maximum block size to 128MB from the prior 32MB; that opened the door to the record-breaking 64MB and 38MB blocks. In contrast, Bitcoin ABC has kept its default block cap at 32MB, and is taking a slower scaling approach.

Bitcoin SV’s lead developer Daniel Connolly remarks:

“This is the next in a series of record-breaking blocks mined by Bitcoin SV. I believe we will see even bigger blocks reaching closer to our new 128MB default limit, especially when we eventually lift the default block cap altogether so miners can configure their own limits. The Satoshi Vision requires massive blocks, so businesses can do more complex transaction types and miners can earn more transaction fees.”

Bitcoin SV Technical Director Steve Shadders adds:

“For Bitcoin to achieve the Satoshi Vision, major businesses need confidence to build on a blockchain that has block capacity to support enterprise-level applications and projects, not just transactions between individual users. By locking down the protocol we can focus all our attention on scaling solutions that are needed to demonstrate that Bitcoin is ready for serious investment. That is what distinguishes Bitcoin SV from the other implementations, and is exactly why miners and businesses should choose Bitcoin SV over Bitcoin ABC to unlock Bitcoin’s massive potential.”

The Bitcoin SV project was created at the request of and sponsored by Antiguan-based CoinGeek Mining, with development work initiated by nChain. The project is owned by the Antiguan-based bComm Association on behalf of the global BCH community, and the Bitcoin SV code is made available under the open source MIT license.  For more information about Bitcoin SV, visit

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.

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Bitcoin SV在BCH压力测试预览中表现出众,已获超过50%的哈希算力支持


20181112 - 比特币现金(BCH)的全节点实现Bitcoin SV在11月10日进行的比特币现金专业压力测试预览中表现出众。运行新Bitcoin SV客户端的挖矿组织在nChain的BMG矿池中成功挖出了五个32 MB大小的区块,是目前为止已挖出的最大区块。 这是在公有链中挖出的最大区块,完全填满了比特币现金协议当前设置的最大区块大小。 在11月15日网络升级及竞争比特币现金实现方式之间的哈希算力大战即将拉开帷幕之时,这场预测试展示了为什么与Bitcoin ABC和其它全节点实现方式相比,Bitcoin SV是矿工们更好的选择。

预测试结果同样还验证了Bitcoin SV与日俱增的哈希算力支持。 11月11日 ,Coin.dance公布的数据预测Bitcoin SV的支持者目前占整个比特币现金网络哈希算力的58%到68%之间,相比之下,Bitcoin ABC仅获得了19%到32%的哈希算力支持。 自Coin.dance在11月15日硬分叉之前开始报道哈希算力数据以来,Bitcoin SV是第一个超过总预估哈希算力支持50%的比特币现金实现方式。 随着一家最近发起的中国矿池Mempool宣布将运行Bitcoin SV,Bitcoin SV的支持预计将进一步上升。 可以证明拥有哈希算力支持的Bitcoin SV可以持续地得到来自矿工的工作,这些矿工们承诺一如既往地支持比特币现金网络。

比特币现金专业压力测试旨在测试比特币现金区块链的吞吐量。 测试团队由Play.BCH.cash提供支持,独立于任何全节点实现团队,在进行11月17日的主测试前,于11月10日进行了预测试。 测试团队部署了一个覆盖不同地区、拥有50多个节点的网络,并使用了Bitcoin SV、Bitcoin ABC与Bitcoin Unlimited实现客户端。 预测试期间,测试团队在超过四个小时的测试期间创建并发送了1,578,504笔交易,相当于每小时400,000笔交易。

在区块高度556034,BMG矿池挖出了世界上有史以来第一块大小为32 MB的区块。 仅仅两个小时之后,BMG在高度556045、556046、556048和556049几乎同时又挖出了四个32 MB区块,每个区块中包括超过166,000笔交易。 测试团队的报告详细记录了这一系列“令人震惊”的发现,“这四个区块很短时间内就在BMG矿池中先后挖出,这证明了其基础设施已经准备好支持大于32 MB的区块。” BMG矿池是隶属于区块链研究与开发公司nChain旗下的挖矿组织。

其它使用Bitcoin SV的挖矿组织在预测试中同样挖出了非常大的区块。 SVPool挖出20.6 MB大的区块,而CoinGeek挖出了15.4 MB大的区块。

相比之下,运行Bitcoin ABC的矿池在预测试过程中挖出的区块则要小得多。 ViaBTC在区块高度556035仅挖出了一个大小为8 MB的区块,而且预测试期间使用Bitcoin ABC挖出的大多数区块最大为1 MB左右。

预测试证明了Bitcoin SV对于扩容路线图的想法是正确的, 即比特币现金区块链可以承受更大的区块,并且能够快速扩展来适应大型企业的应用。 Bitcoin SV的名字来源于比特币的创始人中本聪所提出的“中本聪愿景”(Satoshi Vision),旨在恢复最初的比特币协议、使其保持稳定并且大幅度扩张,从而可以成为供数十亿人使用的全球性网络。 对于即将在11月15日到来的协议升级,Bitcoin SV将把默认区块大小上调至128 MB。 相比之下,Bitcoin ABC将沿用之前32 MB的默认区块大小限制。

Bitcoin SV的首席开发工程师丹尼尔·康诺力(Daniel Connolly)说道:

“其它开发组织说,比特币现金软件无法承受大于22 MB的区块。 现在,我们用Bitcoin SV证明了即使是大于32 MB的区块也能顺利挖出。 我十分期待看到在启用128 MB的默认最大区块设置之后,能看到更大的区块。 总有一天,我们会取消默认区块大小限制,让矿工们自己进行区块设置。

除了扩展性以外,比特币现金协议的稳定性也十分重要。 Bitcoin SV的技术总监丹史蒂夫·施德斯(Steve Shadders)评论说:

“只有比特币现金区块链的协议保持稳定,而不是每个六个月就要由于开发组织希望尝试新的操作法或更改功能而面临好不必要的变更,国际企业才会使用这种区块链。 我们希望让比特币现金协议回归到中本聪最初的愿景,并且让其保持稳定,就像不会经常发生变更的互联网协议一样。”


“对于世界各地的比特币现金矿工来说,正确的选择是Bitcoin SV。 我们提供的这条道路可以通往中本聪最初对比特币提出的愿景,这能帮助矿工提高交易收入并且在未来的岁月里保持盈利。”

 位于安提瓜的CoinGeek提出创建并资助了Bitcoin SV项目,而nChain发起了最初的开发工作。 位于安提瓜的bComm协会以全球比特币现金社区的名义拥有该项目,而Bitcoin SV的代码则在MIT许可协议下开源。 若想了解更多有关Bitcoin SV的信息,请访问

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.

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Bitcoin SV excels in BCH Stress Test preview, reaches over 50% hash support

12 November 2018 -  Bitcoin SV, the new full node implementation for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) excelled in a November 10 preview of the BCH Professional Stress Test. Mining groups running the new Bitcoin SV client mined by far the biggest blocks, with nChain’s BMG Pool successfully mining five 32MB size blocks. That is the largest block size ever mined on any public blockchain, and completely filled the default maximum block size currently set on the BCH protocol. In advance of the November 15 network upgrade and hash war between competing BCH implementations, this pre-test demonstrated why Bitcoin SV is a superior choice for miners over Bitcoin ABC and other full node clients.

The preview test results also validate the growing hash support for Bitcoin SV. On November 11, data estimated that Bitcoin SV now has support ranging from 58-68% of the total BCH network hash, compared to Bitcoin ABC with only 19-32%. Bitcoin SV is the first BCH implementation to cross over 50% estimated hash support since began reporting such data in advance of the November 15 hard fork. Bitcoin SV’s support is expected to increase even more, as Mempool, a new Chinese mining pool recently launched and will run Bitcoin SV. The hash backing Bitcoin SV is sustained Proof of Work from miners committed to support the BCH network on an on-going basis.

The BCH Professional Stress Test is designed to test the BCH blockchain’s throughput capacity. Powered by and organized independently of any BCH full node implementation team, the testing group ran a November 10 pre-test in advance of its main November 17 test. The test team deployed a network of over 50 nodes in geographically dispersed locations and using Bitcoin SV, Bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin Unlimited client implementations. During the pre-test, the group created and sent 1,578,504 BCH transactions over a period of 4 hours, or around 400,000 transactions per hour.

At block height 556034, BMG Pool mined the world’s first ever 32MB block. Just two hours later, BMG mined  four more 32MB blocks almost consecutively at block heights 556045, 556046, 556048, and 556049 – with each block containing over 166,000 individual transactions. As the test team’s report observes about this “astounding” series, “[t]hese 4 blocks were all mined by BMG pool in rapid succession showing that their infrastructure is ready for blocks larger than 32MB.” BMG Pool is the affiliated mining group of blockchain research and development company nChain.

Other mining groups that use Bitcoin SV – CoinGeek and SVPool – also mined very large blocks during the pre-test. SVPool mined a 20.6 MB block, and CoinGeek mined a 15.4MB block.

In comparison, mining pools running Bitcoin ABC achieved much smaller blocks during the pre-test. ViaBTC mined a single 8MB block at block height 556035, but most other blocks mined using Bitcoin ABC were at most 1-2 MB during the pre-test.

The preview test confirmed that Bitcoin SV is correct about its scaling roadmap: the BCH blockchain can handle much larger blocks and can more quickly scale for big enterprise use. Named for the “Satoshi Vision” of Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin SV intends to restore the original Bitcoin protocol, keep it stable, and allow it to massively scale to a global network used by billions of people. For the upcoming November 15 protocol upgrade, Bitcoin SV will lift its default maximum block size to 128MB. In contrast, Bitcoin ABC client will keep its default block cap at its current 32MB.

Bitcoin SV’s lead developer Daniel Connolly remarks:

“Other developer groups said BCH software could not handle blocks above 22MB. We’ve now shown with Bitcoin SV that even 32MB size blocks can be mined. Once we go to a 128MB default maximum block setting, I look forward to seeing even bigger blocks. One day, we will lift the default block cap altogether so that miners can configure their own block settings. Bigger blocks will allow more diversity of complex transaction types and more transaction fees for miners.”

In addition to scalability, stability of the BCH protocol is important. Bitcoin SV Technical Director Steve Shadders comments:

“Global businesses will operate on the BCH blockchain only if its protocol remains stable, rather than facing unnecessary changes every 6 months by developers who want to add some experimental new OP_code or feature change. We want to restore the BCH protocol to Satoshi’s original design, and then keep it stable just like the Internet protocol does not often change.”

Mr. Shadders summarized the choice facing miners for the November 15 hard fork:

“For BCH miners around the world, the correct choice is Bitcoin SV. We provide the path to achieve the original Satoshi Vision for Bitcoin, which will enable miners to generate more transaction revenue and remain profitable for years to come.” 

The Bitcoin SV project was created at the request of and sponsored by Antiguan-based CoinGeek Mining, with development work initiated by nChain. The project is owned by the Antiguan-based bComm Association on behalf of the global BCH community, and the Bitcoin SV code is made available under the open source MIT license. For more information about Bitcoin SV, visit

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BCH is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision for Bitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.

The post Bitcoin SV excels in BCH Stress Test preview, reaches over 50% hash support appeared first on Coingeek.

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